5 Skin Care Hacks To Get Natural Glow This Summer 2019

Image Source: hindustantimes.com
Everyone desires to have that smooth, firm skin with that natural glow during summers!! But the reality is that summers can be really harsh and brutal on your skin, causing multiple skin problems. To avoid skin rashes and dryness during summers you have to pamper your skin by keeping it hydrated, using homemade remedies, using sunscreen and much more skincare hacks to get that Natura glow.
Flawless skin is not much to ask for if you take good care of it. During summers skin needs a lot of extra care from sunburn, rashes, dark spots and premature signs of aging. No matter what your age is these tips for naturally glowing skin during summers is something that you must follow without fail. Scroll down to know these amazing 5 Skincare hacks that will give you the perfect natural glow in summers: 

1. Change Is Important, Even In Case of Face Wash – Face Wash For Clear And Dirt Free Skin

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Image Source: omanday.com
Washing Face is the first and foremost daily skincare routine. Every season requires different skincare routine; just like that, you should change your face wash, moving from winter to summer season. Firstly, wash your face as many times as possible during summers to keep your skin clean. Secondly, use a face wash that not just removes the excess oil and sweat from your skin but also keeps its moisturized and hydrated. If you are someone who has dry skin issues then go for a face wash that is non-foaming. On the other hand, oil skin is affected most by summer as the pores easily get clogged causing acne, for that use foaming cleanser containing salicylic acid.

2. Wear Sunscreen- The One Ultimate Protection From Harmful Sun Rays

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Image Source: roxspabeverlyhills.com
Do not forget to use and reuse Sunscreen whenever you go out during summers or even when you are inside your home or office, as dermatologists say that you are exposed to UV rays even indoors. Include sunscreen application in your daily skincare routines. Since sun exposure cause major skin issues like wrinkles, dark spots, pigmentation so it is vital to use sunscreen that suits your skin type best.
Invest in a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and do not forget to apply it minimum twice a day. Also, make sure to apply sunblock on your hands, neck, shoulder and feet as well.

3. The Key Is To Keep Yourself Hydrated- The Importance of Staying Hydrated

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Image Source: wellbeingmag.com
It is said that water is the solution to all the problems. It is important to flush out all the intoxicants and maintain the PH level of the body and that is possible by drinking a lot of water. If you keep asking yourself how to get the natural glow then water is the answer. Consuming a lot of water not just keeps you fresh during summer days but also keep your skin hydrated. If the body lacks water it leads to many skin problems like dry, flaky itchy, dull and lifeless skin. So, keep a bottle of water with you all the time, especially when you are travelling or going out. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water every day to get that healthy, glowing skin naturally.

4. Eat Right, Eat Healthy-  Healthy Intake Plays a Vital Role in Your Skin

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Image Source: healthandglow.com
You are what you eat!! Keep a note of this and remember to intake fresh fruits, green vegetables, a good amount of proteins & vitamins and include anti-oxidants to your diet during summers and otherwise. Seasonal fruits like pineapple, berries, citric fruits, seafood, and fresh vegetables are something that you must consume, as they contain essential nutrients and antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation during summers and keeps the skin radiant and hydrated. Also, follow a diet that is rich in Vitamin C and low in sugar, keeping body insulin level low and maintaining a healthy balance and you find you will the answer of your always asking question- how to get the natural glow. Dermatologists suggest that Opting for food that contains healthy natural oils like almond and walnuts are good for healthy skin.

5. Get your Beauty Sleep- The Most Effective Beauty Rest

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Image Source: beautysociety.com
Getting 8 hours of sleep is very important for getting that glowing skin naturally. If you do not give enough rest to your body then it directly affects your health and especially your skin, causing eye bags, dark circles and leading to dullness. Sleep is a very essential element for glowing skin as during sleep our body increases the blood flow to the skin due to which our skin cells get a boost. To naturally heal your skin from dull skin problems caused due to insufficient sleep you can apply honey 5 to 6 times a month. Also, do not skip an important process of cleaning, moisturizing and massaging your skin before going to bed. Mark it as one of the best natural skincare tips.
These beauty hacks are a combination of lifestyle changes and skincare tips that you must add to your routine to get that Natural glow instantly. Also, check out Best Natural Beauty Products of 2019.
#NaturalGlow #GlowingSkin #NaturalGlowThisSummer  #SkinCareHacks


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